SPLITTERWERK    The Label for Fine Arts and Engineering : Buildings Projects Installations Paintings
Headquarters: St.Peter-Pfarrweg 30/56, A-8042 Graz, Austria, EU, Tel ++43 316 810598-0, Fax -40, splitterwerk@splitterwerk.at
please also visit our website : algae-architecture.com
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SPLITTERWERK and Friends present:
Martin Krusche spricht
Icarus on Asphalt. The Rage. A Text.

Thursday 22. March 2018
Entrance: 19:00
Start: 20:00
Project Space, St. Peter-Pfarrweg 30, 13th Floor, Door 56, 8042 Graz

Edith Hemmrich and Mark Blaschitz, Direction and Curation.
Sigrid Prinz, Organization and Assistance.

It is possible to visit the exhibition with the documentation "Martin Krusche spricht"
Fridays 17:00-20:00, Saturdays 14:00-17:00
30.03.2018 - 19.05.0218
08.06.2018 (Architekturtage Graz)
15.06.0218 - 23.06.0218.

Free Admission

Links: Martin Krusche

Der Himmel verspricht uns bloß Seligkeit, die Hölle dagegen das Feuer. So das Fazit von Martin Krusche im Betrachten unserer Kultur, die seit dem Neolithikum einen speziellen Heldentyp bevorzugt: Den Ikarier. Sie kennen diesen europäischen Mythos sicher. Der kluge Problemlöser Daedalus versank weitgehend in Bedeutungslosigkeit, während sein Sohn Ikarus bis heute besungen wird. Wofür? Für den Mumm zu einem fulminanten Absturz. Krusche durchforscht nun mit einer Mischung aus Grimmigkeit und Augenzwinkern jene letzten 200 Jahre, die wir in permanenter technischer Revolution leben. Die Reflexion einer vergnügten Reise auf dem Schleudersitz.

M a r t i n K r u s c h e born in 1956, writer, is living as a freelance artist since 1977, working on conceptual art. He is running an Art Under Net Condition, combining various genres. Since 2003, the early exponent of an Austrian net culture scene is working on his long-term project "The Long Distance Howl", which is planned for 20 years. Krusche´s current focus is on the topic of popular culture, pop culture and contemporary art in order to explore the junctions and interdependencies of these genres. This happens by the activities of the "Kuratorium für triviale Mythen" (curatorship of trivial myths): www.austria-forum.org/vum

S P L I T T E R W E R K : Project Space + Permanent Exhibition + Publishing + Collection + Archive + Ateliers. The internationally active Atelier SPLITTERWERK was founded in Graz in 1988 and since then has established itself as a brand for fine arts with its independent positions within contemporary architecture as one of the world´s meaningful collectives. Since 2015 the idea exists to make the headquarters of SPLITTERWERK in the skyscraper on St. Peter-Pfarrweg 30 more accessible to the interested public. Since then a permanent exhibition with selected works of the Atelier´s formation it´s projectarchive, library, and studioworkplaces has been established on the prmises. From June 2017 onward the project space will start with it´s program. Edith Hemmrich and Mark Blaschitz will give their current and very personal insight into teir world with a selection of both new and established positions of their local and international environment.
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