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A contribution to the exhibition „Austria Under Construction - Austrian Architects Teaching Internationally“ at the 12th International Exhibition of Architecture La Biennale di Venezia 2010.


task force: Simon Bär, Sascha Bauer, Mark Blaschitz, Carlo Fischer, Julian Herzberger, Iva Ivanova, Oliver Kärtkemeyer, Philip Knauf, Carolin Lahode, Kara Lemke, Ina Nikolova, Manuel Rausch, Janis Rozkalns, Felix Stammler, Mark Tomka, Philipp Untersteiner.

Der große amerikanische Architekt Eric Owen Moss ist von der Österreichischen Ministerin für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, Frau Dr. Claudia Schmied beauftragt worden, den Österreichischen Pavillon auf der Biennale in Venedig 2010 zu kuratieren. In seinem Konzept, betitelt mit „Austria under Construction“ wird er das das kleine Land Österreich als eines der bedeutendsten internationalen Zentren für Architektur vorstellen. Die Baukunstklasse für Grundlagen, Entwerfen und Wohnbau an der Staatlichen Akademie für Bildende Künste Stuttgart ist eingeladen im Fach Entwerfen einen Beitrag für den Österreichischen Pavillon zu erarbeiten und zu realsieren.

location: La Biennale di Venezia, Austrian Pavilion, Giardini della Biennale, Venezia

press conference: August 26th 2010
press days from: August 26th to August 28th 2010

preview opening: Friday, August 27th 2010, 5pm
panel discussion: Friday, August 27th 2010, 6:30pm
public opening: Sunday, August 29th 2010, all day
duration: Sunday, August 29th 2010 till sunday, November 21th 2010

opening speakers:
Dr. Heinz Fischer, President of the Federal Republic of Austria
Dr. Claudia Schmied, Minister for Education, the Arts aun Culture
Eric Owen Moss, Commissioner of the Austrian Pavilion

commissioner: Eric Owen Moss, FAIA
Eric Owen Moss Architects

Excerpt from the Concept of Architect Eric Owen Moss:

Austrian architecture around the world; international architecture in austria

The Prospect and The Promise
Architecture at its best suggests that the world could be other than it is, that the world progresses, and that architecture can facilitate that progress: New prospects for the city. New visions for design and building. A newly built world for the inhabitants of a new world. Hope and optimism. That’s the promise.

Innovative conceptions from Austria’s architects extend around the globe, from East Asia to Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Central and South America. Reciprocally, contributions from our colleagues abroad are constructed in Austria. Austria re-imagines the art of building and city making in the world. Foreign architects re-imagine buildings and cities in Austria. Austria exports. Austria imports. New architecture “under construction”.

The Exhibit
That dual capacity to contribute inventively and to welcome new possibilities openly are the essential strengths of the Austrian architectural mind, and the subject of this exhibition proposal for the Austrian Pavilion in Venice, 2010.

The Content
Austrian culture at its best is culture “under construction” -- re-conceiving, re-evaluating, re-imagining its meanings. That on-going exploration can never appear simply as a homogeneous body of built work. Rather there are several powerful, alternative prospects which reflect an enduring debate regarding priorities: Architecture as poetry? Architecture as sociology? Architecture as culture? Architecture and urbanism? Architecture as an amalgamation of possibilities?
Architecture and urbanism propel cultures, re-inform sociologies, and explore technologies. Austrian architects at work internationally, and international architects at work in Austria are producing investigatory work which challenges the conventional pro forma with respect to aesthetics, technical means, relationships of art/media/architecture, ordering and organizational strategies, and alternative energy systems. Architects are also at work on the re-conception of the systems and methods that have traditionally governed contemporary cities - transportation, housing, and the use of natural resources; the inter-relationship of social, economic, and political concerns with the form of the city; and the integration of imported conceptions with local customs, traditions, and aspirations.


The Vision
The curatorial objective at the Austrian Pavilion is to use an imaginative design means to communicate the most imaginative prospects for contemporary Austrian architecture and urban design around the world as well as to represent Austria as both a unique repository of architectural talent, and an attentive welcomer of a new spirit of foreign architectural invention.

La Biennale di Venezia
Akadamie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart

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